Thursday, May 2, 2024

Politics Corner May 2


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

Does it surprise anyone that Donald Trump has already declared victory in November and that he will not accept any other turn out? It looks to me like he's planning something bigger than January 6. Let's hope that he's too stupid to carry it off. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]

Oh just in case you forgot how bad January 6 was, here's a reminder. [Associated Press]

You know that other war that nobody but Moscow Marjorie is protesting? Putin and the Russian army are engaged in chemical warfare against Ukraine. This is against every international treaty including a few which include Russia as signatories.  Think Russia or their stooge Marjorie will suffer any consequences? Oh, you're in the wrong thread. [NBC]

Back to the war that everyone is protesting. I'm beginning to think that middle eastern history should be required in high school. None of this is new but the extremities that both sides have gone to. And protests here do nothing but hurt people here.

Meanwhile Gaza is flattened and likely won't be liveable until next century. Unless Israel rushes in and rebuilds and creates settlements like they continue to do in the West Bank which just keeps tensions high and recruitment for Hamas high. [United Nations]

They are up in arms in Israel because there's a good chance that many high ranking government and military officials, including Netanyahu, may be charged with war crimes by the ICC. Their corresponding members of Hamas are being investigated as well and you would think Israel would be happy about that. But no. They are adamant about their innocence in killing 30,000 citizens with more to come and the complete destruction of Gaza. [BBC]

I'm not leaving you there. Humans aren't the only apes on the planet and I think most of them are smarter than us. Here's Dr. Orangutan. Behold and wonder. [NBC]

Political Discussion welcome.

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