Thursday, August 18, 2022

Politics Corner August 18th


Via Visit Milwaukee

The Justice Department has subpoenaed the National Archives for all of the documents that they turned over to the House select committee. This includes a large chunk of documents that Trump tried and failed to exert executive privilege over. [Daily Beast]

Today in They Will Lie About Literally Everything: Hageman claimed at least twice that Cheney never called her to concede the election. So Cheney released audio of the call. Cheney called three times before going out to give her concession speech. Shades of "Hillary never conceded to Trump" when of course she did. [Guardian]

Well fuck. The risk of psychosis, dementia, brain fog and seizures are all high for up to two years after COVID. Good luck with that. [STAT]


Today in Good News: Trump CFO Allen Weisselberg pled guilty of tax fraud and is moving into prison. Do the Trumps next. You know he didn't do anything that wasn't expected of him. [NBC]

Via Associated Press

Political discussion welcome.

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