Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Politics Corner June 22nd


Via Visit Milwaukee

The focus has been on the House committee but Justice hasn't been sitting on its ass. They've been talking to people who declined to be counterfeit Electors and they've begun to subpoena those who were involved in creating counterfeit Electors and those that actually signed. So far we know the investigation is active in Arizona and Georgia. Expect further investigation in Wisconsin (hello Our Dumb Senator!) and other states that voted for Biden but Republicans put forth illegal Electors. [Atlanta Journal-Constitution]

Via Twitter
The House select committee on the Insurrection's hearing tomorrow, Thursday, June 22nd has been delayed two hours until 3 PM Eastern. I don't know why. Accordingly, Politics Corner will post at 2 PM Eastern so we can watch together. Judging by the witnesses being called, the focus should be on Trump's Justice Department. God help us all. After the that the committee has rescheduled the remaining hearings until at least July 11th when Congress reconvenes after the Independence Day break. Let's be patient because this is good news. It gives the staff time to put everything together and there's a lot more to put together than they expected. They got hours of unexpected documentary footage to review and the tipline (available on their website) has provided more leads than they can follow up immediately. [NPR]


Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell admits that raising the Prime Interest Rate could spur a recession. They knew this and they did it anyway with the goal of reining inflation back down to 2%. I don't know how that's supposed to work. It's intended to easy the supply chain. It's going to do nothing to tame corporate greed and it's obvious that that is what is driving prices up. It does absolutely nothing for consumers and with higher interest rates across the board we are gonna be the ones paying for this. I bet the banks are happy though. Feel free to check my math. I'd love to be wrong. [CNBC]


Since the oil companies can be relied upon to raise prices as high as they think they can get away with, Biden has resorted to proposing a three month gas tax holiday and is asking the states to follow suit. I don't see this getting out of the Senate and I doubt even many of the blue states are willing to give up the revenue. Just remember that it's the oil companies that are to blame. And they don't care. [NBC]

Via Amazon

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