Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Politics Corner October 5th


Via National Park Service

A Canadian company is paying Minnesota police to arrest protesters of the pipeline that the company is building. That's right, a foreign company is responsible for arresting US citizens inside the US. [Guardian]

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The FBI has raided the headquarters of the corrupt Sergeants Benevolent Society police union in NYC. The home of the Ed Mullins, president of the SBS was also raided. [New York Daily News]

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George Floyd, yes that George Floyd, was framed by a cop in Houston before he was shot in Minnesota. The Texas parole board sent a recommendation to Governor Abbott. We'll see if Abbott can do one decent thing this year. [Houston Chronicle]

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I thought I'd look at how the Sinema situation is playing out in Arizona. The Arizona Republic split the difference. [Arizona Republic]

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Political discussion welcome.

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