Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Jeopardy! recap for Tue., Oct. 5

 Please welcome today's contestants:

- Anthony, a social worker, was stranded in Guam and wants to go back;

- Angie, a writer, wrote a letter to Alex wanting to get on the show at age 8; and

- Matt, a Ph.D. student, listens to all kinds of music. Matt is a 34-day champ with winnings of $1,350,801.

Matt's opponents managed to keep the first two DDs away from him, but he found DD3 and with a solid wager, put the game away, heading into FJ with $39,000 vs. $11,200 for Anthony and $2,400 for Angie.

DD1 - $600 - IT'S A PROCESS - Darwin wrote that he called a process this "or survival of the fittest" (Anthony won $1,400 from his score of $1,800.)

DD2 - $1,600 - THAT'S GRAND! - The head of state of this small nation is Grand Duke Henri  (Angie doubled to $4,400.)

DD3 - $800 - HERE COMES THE SONNET - "...with the breath, smiles, tears, of all my life" are a few of the ways this woman loves thee (Matt won $10,000 from his score of $24,600 vs. $9,600 for Anthony.)

FJ - POPULAR PHRASES - This phrase relating nutrition & health was popularized by fruit scientist J.T. Stinson at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair

Everyone was correct on FJ. Matt added $11,000 to win with $50,000 for a 35-day total of $1,400,801.

Wagering strategy: Interesting that Matt found DD3 yesterday and today with the exact same amount of $24,600, and he bet twice as much today with a smaller lead. Perhaps he was influenced by today's clue being $800 level as opposed to a bottom-row clue yesterday.

Also, as impressive as Matt's winning totals have been lately, he could easily have won even more. For today's FJ, Matt had a cushion of just under $16,600 that he could have bet and still had the game wrapped up, so with his $11,000 wager he left over $5,000 on the table. 

No harm no foul: Everyone took an incorrect guess for the Roman god with the "love-kindling fire", Cupid.

Correct Qs: DD1 - What is natural selection? DD2 - What is Luxembourg? DD3 - Who was Browning? FJ - What is "an apple a day keeps the doctor away"?

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