Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Politics Corner, July 21st

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

Trump wasn't brandishing a can of Goya beans when he went after Latinx people again. This time it's blatantly unconstitutional and everyone already knows it. They tried before with a question about citizenship on the census form and were told by the courts that the Constitution mandated that the census count everyone in the country every ten years. Not just citizens. Now Trump thinks he can undo the Constitution with a memo. It won't work. What it will do is terrorize the brown people who live here and make them less likely to fill out the census. [NPR]

I might like Cape Town
photo mine

Trump is sending more military into more cities against US citizens. Something makes me think that this President has never read the Constitution that he swore to uphold. [Chicago Tribune]

If I ever see it
photo mine

Again, the names of traitors are more important than paying our soldiers. Trump might want to remember that when he sends our soldiers into our own cities. [Reuters]

It's the only city that I've only ever
photo mine

Remember how Republicans stole a Supreme Court seat? They're just dying for a liberal Justice to die before January. [CNN]

Only seen in a rear view mirror
photo mine

Political discussion welcome.

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