Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Jeopardy! recap for Tue., Jul. 21 - encore from Sept. 11, 1984

Let's meet today's contestants:

- Paul Schaeffer, a registered nurse originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, really is a registered nurse;
- Lynne Crawford, a carpenter originally from West Springfield, Massachusetts, really is a carpenter; and
- Greg Hopkins, an energy demonstrator from Waverly, Ohio, is out of balloons. Greg's one-day cash winnings total $8,400.

Greg turned back a challenge from Lynn in DJ to keep first place into FJ with $9,500 vs. $5,000 for Lynn and $1,100 for Paul.

DD1, $400 - BY THE NUMBERS - Total of Disney's Dalmatians and dwarfs (Greg bet $400 from his score of $2,100 and was correct.)

DD2, (audio) $600 - OPERA - This aria from "Pagliacci" gave him the first million-selling record ever (Lynn won $1,000 from her total of $2,400 vs. $3,500 for Greg.)

DD3 - Not seen

FJ - THE CALENDAR - Calendar date with which the 20th century began

Everyone was wrong and everyone bet it all, so it was the land of parting gifts for all three players (did Alex calling Greg a "chicken" on the previous show influence his wager?). Greg and Lynne get a range and dinnerware, while Paul leaves with an exercise machine.

Triple Stumper of the day: No one seemed all that pleased with a top-row clue looking for a "Type of auto engine, or a tomato cocktail" (a V8).

Technical glitches: On two occasions we could see two podium lights on at the same time. Also, on a missed response by a contestant, there was a noticeable time gap before the fake reaction of dismay from the audience was added in.

Judging the announcer:  Johnny introduced the host by pronouncing "Trebek" the way most of us say it, not the "Treee-bek" he uses today. Alex has said he has no idea why Johnny pronounces his name the way he does.

Correct Qs: DD1 - What is 108? DD2 - Who was Caruso? FJ - What is January 1, 1901? (Note that Alex was so taken aback by the results that he ready to sign off without giving the correct response until someone offscreen yelled, "WHAT'S THE ANSWER???")

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