Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Politics Corner, May 5th

Cinco de Mayo is not Mexican Independance Day (see September 16th). It's the day that an outnumbered Mexican Army defeated the invading French at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. They don't bother with it much in Mexico outside of Puebla because the French came back and won a second battle of Puebla and went on to capture Ciudad de Mexico (Mexico City) and installed Emperor Maximillian. Eventually the French fell, but it wasn't on Cinco de Mayo.

The Battle of Puebla
Via Wikipedia

Trump is lying out of his ass again. This time to say COVID is all 'Gina's fault and let's go to Trade War! [National Geographic]

Zaragoza, Mexican General at the first Battle of Puebla
Via Wikipedia

We won't impeach Trump again before the election but we might have enough evidence to. [CNN]

Puebla today
Via Wikipedia

CNN calls out Trump campaign for misusing their footage, don't hold your breath for them to call Trump himself a liar. [CNN]

What Americans think of Cinco de Mayo
Just add beer and tequila
Via El Dogerino
Political discussion welcome.

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