Sunday, April 12, 2020

Politics Corner, April 12th

It's Easter Sunday but it feels like Good Friday will go on forever. No one is rising up from lockdown anytime soon.

Photo from a friend of mine,
discovered on the floor during dialysis

Republicans are barely on speaking terms with science since the 70's so it's no surprise they want to exempt churches from "no gathering" orders. Republicans also don't read the constitution so instead arguing freedom of assembly which is in there (and doesn't apply - you can associate with whoever you want, just not in large groups), they are arguing freedom of religion which isn't. It's freedom from religion. Assembling large groups of people during a plague is worse than yelling Fire! in a crowded theater.

I could say let those idiots kill themselves but then they'll go home after church and order pizza and cough near the delivery person who will then deliver pizza to me.

Oh, and they want to kill the Post Office too. Apparently it's personal. I'm guessing that they keep delivering bills to Trump.

Photo mine
It's not the Indian Ocean
but it might as well be
I'm stuck in a different cabin

Political discussion welcome.

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