Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Jeopardy! recap for Wed., Mar. 18

Today's contestants are:

- Andrea, a research compliance manager from Maryland, saw the launch of the Falcon 9 rocket;
- Emmy, a program officer from Virginia, attended the landing of the last space shuttle; and
- Kris, an adjunct professor from New York, got a grant for a zero waste initiative. Kris entered the game as a one-day champ with winnings of $16,601.

Well-matched affair in which Andrea didn't find any DDs but both opponents missed one, helping her lead into FJ with $12,600 vs. $9,600 for Kris and $6,400 for Emmy.

DD1, $1,000 - BIOGRAPHIES & MEMOIRS - Biographies by Walter Isaacson include "Steve Jobs" & one about this man subtitled "His Life and Universe" (Emmy lost $2,800 on a true DD.)

DD2, $1,600 - PLACES IN FANTASY - The name of this 2-word ancestral dwelling in Tolkien is a play on the translation of the French "cul-de-sac" (Kris lost $3,000 from his leading score of $8,200 vs. $2,200 for Andrea.)

DD3, $1,600 - ENDS WITH A 3-LETTER BODY PART - This other name for tetanus refers to one of its most-common symptoms (Emmy won $3,000 from her total of $4,600 vs. $8,200 for Andrea.)

FJ - FAIRS & EXPOSITIONS - To celebrate the 500th anniversary of a major event, Seville, Spain & Genoa, Italy both had expositions in this year

Andrea and Emmy were correct on FJ, with Andrea adding $6,601 to win with $19,201.

Triple Stumper of the day: No one knew that in 1912, the last of the lower 48 to gain statehood is Arizona.

One more thing: In a very unusual move, at the top of the show they replayed the shocked reaction of Kris when he won on the previous show.

Correct Qs:
DD1 - Who was Einstein?
DD2 - What is Bag End?
DD3 - What is lockjaw?
FJ - What is 1992? (Kris apparently misinterpreted the clue and wrote "1492", the year of the event being celebrated, not the year of the expositions themselves.)

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