Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Politics Corner, January 7th

ETA: Now it's begun. By the time this goes live the spin will have been that Iran is fighting a war of aggression. Or at least I hope not. The US has taunted this, most recently by the assassination of Soleimani, my original top story below. I'd say be grateful that Bolton no longer has his itchy fingers on the buttons but is there anyone in charge to be grateful for? [CNN]

Our regularly scheduled programming: It's still not clear why the US killed Soleimani. All that we know is there was something to do with a US contractor. Mercenary or carpenter, consultant or IT, who knows? We know that their name was not Khashoggi or Warmbier or we'd be fomenting war with Saudi Arabia or North Korea but Trump wants to build hotels and towers there. I'm guessing that a Trump Tehran Golf Course was off the table. The good thing is that other people are asking questions. [AP]

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Just a reminder, people are dead and more will die because Trump was impeached. I'm beginning to think that a quick show trial with no acknowledgement of justice whatsoever might be a way to save lives. In the short run. In the long run? God bless us all because if they win or lose the Impeachment we are all going to lose. [Politico]

Meanwhile other countries are accusing of us of terrorism and I'm finding it difficult to argue with that.[CNN]

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We say we don't want to start a war but that's not how we're acting. The schoolyard bully can't bitch when somebody hits back. [CNN]

Speaking of bullies, we've got Nazis in ICE. Surprised? [Vice]

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Speaking of, Pompeo will not run for the US Senate from Kansas. Maybe he expects to be in prison or Moscow by then. [NBC]

Speaking of, all of a sudden the Justice Department wants Michael Flynn to serve time. [NBC]

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Political discussion welcome.

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