Monday, December 9, 2019

Politics Corner, December 9th

ETA: Two Articles of Impeachment are being drawn up now. Specific Articles will be announced at a news conference Tuesday, December 10th at 9am. I do not know if the actual Articles will have been written by then. Two Articles are expected. One on abuse of power. The other on obstruction of Congress. There will be a separate thread to discuss this in the morning. More info behind a paywall here. [Washington Post]

The Impeachment Hearing today may be the last public hearing of the Impeachment and the Articles may be voted on later this week. Let's just say it wasn't amicable. Today was for the lawyers. The Democrats went about their business and layed out the charges and pulled the evidence from all the prior testimony. The Republicans alternately yelled and  s p o k e   r e a l   s l o w  for the benefit of Trump voters. They were also as disruptive as that Infowars guy. We had a live blog here and you can read about it anywhere, you can probably find video of the entire nearly ten hour thing at the PBS website under News Hour or you can just read this summation. [Politico]

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As expected, the Russia Probe was justified and was not biased against Trump. Also as expected, Barr is behaving like Trump's lawyer and not ours. Barr is attempting to undermine the watchdog report and is throwing the FBI under the bus which will make him as popular with his employees as Pompeo is with his. [NBC]

The report did unearth some pro-Trump bias at the FBI. I wonder if years of abuse at the hand of Trump has changed any minds. [Business Insider]

Devin Cow Nunes' next excuse will be signed "Epstein's Mother". [Vox]

Barr really does want to be Trump's lawyer and that requires getting Giuliani out of the way. [Business Insider]

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Trump hates journalist that don't fawn over him so it was no surprise when he sided with MBS over the journalist that MBS had killed and dismembered. This time around it's a Saudi soldier who killed US sailors. It's okay because Saudi Arabia will pay for it. Everything comes down to money for Trump. Even American lives. [CNN]

The City of Pensacola was hit by a cyber attack hours after the shooting. They are not expecting a connection between the two. [NBC]

A Federal Judge ordered the end of family separations at the border. President Trump signed an Executive Order to the same effect. And yet 1,100 children have been separated from their families at the border since then. [The Intercept]

That makes the Nativity scene at Claremount United Methodist Church all too timely. [Claremount UMC]


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The US Supreme Court showed its willingness to tear at the fabric of Roe v. Wade when they allowed an ultrasound requirement to stand. This despite zero scientific evidence for the usefulness of let alone need for ultrasounds. Worse? The ultrasound is required whether or not the patient consents. Think about that. We don't require life saving procedures without a consent. My doctors won't even say hello to me without a signed consent on file. This has nothing to do with anything except punishing women. [CNN]

We've been lied to repeatedly about Afghanistan. Surprised? [CNN]

India's Parliament tried and failed (for now) to ban Muslims from becoming citizens. [BBC]

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Political discussion welcome.

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