Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Politics Corner, December 10th

Once again the big story is Impeachment. The House gave us two Articles of Impeachment this morning. They leaked that news last night presumably to get Democrats on the same page before the official announcement. No specific mention was made of the Mueller Report, the Emoluments Clause and a host of other impeachable offenses. They decided to focus on two simple, provable items. Count one: Abuse of Power. Count two: Obstruction of Justice. [Politico]

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Trump is convinced that he and the Bidens and the whole world is going to testify in the Senate, all to exonerate him. [Reuters]

The turtle says no. [CNN]

Rick Gates has been recommended for probation on two felony counts because he cooperated in the Manafort and Stone convictions in the face of heavy political opposition and "assurances of monetary assistance" which sure sounds like someone tried to obstruct justice. (Tip of the hat to Kip Smithers) [NBC]

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"Politics can and should influence foreign policy." I really hope Mulvaney does testify in the Senate or at least keeps giving the game away like this. [The Hill]

FBI Director (and Trump appointee) is working on his resume. He's under attack by Trump and Barr in the wake of the Russia Probe report. [NBC]

Trump is taking a victory lap over the USMCA agreement but Pelosi is smiling as well. Trump didn't get the deal he wanted and Pelosi can say "look, we got a complex trade deal through the house at the same time that we impeached the President - work never stops in the people's House." [AP]

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The last time Trump met Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in the White House before today, Trump gave Lavrov state secrets and laughed and laughed. When will we find out what happened today? [NPR]

Ukraine is negotiating peace with Russia from a position of weakness due to Trump's treachery. Putin is demanding that Ukraine change their Constitution to make yet another area susceptible to Russian incursion. [Reuters]

Today we have good news from the US Supreme Court. At least six of the nine Justices do not seem eager to overturn ACA (or Obamacare). [Vox]

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