Thursday, November 7, 2019

Politics Corner, November 7th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

When other Republicans are telling you to prove your bullshit or shut up and step aside, it's time to shut up and step aside Bevin. [Lexington Herald-Leader]

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People did try to be the adults in the White House and stop the Ukraine mess before it became obvious to the world what the President was up to. Why couldn't they stop him? Trump wanted to buy Greenland and wouldn't meet the wannabe adults. [NBC]

John Bolton tried to play both sides of the political divide but today he caved in to the people that might give him a paycheck. [PBS]

We got confirmation today that Barr refused to hold a press conference to declare that Trump did nothing illegal in the Ukraine phone call when Trump angrily denied it. [The Hill]

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Today in transcripts: "Investigations, Biden, Clinton" were the magic words. The President forgot to say please. Ever. [AP]

Wondering how professional pauper Ghouliani was going to pay his legal bills? Never fear. Some freshly laundered bills just fell in his lap. [Reuters]

Betsy DeVos had no excuse for refusing to testify why she's been stealing money from students of non-existent Corinthian College. She just doesn't want to feel left out. [Politico]

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