Saturday, November 2, 2019

Politics Corner, November 2nd

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

BuzzFeed gets the lead today because they sued the Department of Justice under the Freedom of Information Act and won the release of Mueller's secret memos. Read 'em and weep for democracy. [BuzzFeed]

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Among a bunch of other things in those memos is corroboration that Trump wanted the stolen Democrat emails from Wikileaks. For those keeping track Trump wanted info on political opponents from foreign governments and illegal foreign entities. [The Hill]

Rick Perry needs to put his "smart guy" glasses back on so he can read the word "subpoena". [Reuters]

Spun around by all the spin on impeachment? Here's some grounding. [AP]

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One of the guys behind the Iranian student takeover of the US Embassy in Tehran has some serious regrets. [NBC]

Some smugglers at the southern border aren't even bothering with ladders. They just cut right through the wall. [CNN]

Perhaps hoping to inspire the local government of Washington DC, the city of Dresden, Germany has declared a Nazi emergency. [BBC]

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United Auto Workers President Gary Jones is taking a leave of absence while the Federal corruption investigation continues. He has not been charged with a crime but those near him are persons of interest. [CNBC]

The Trump administration has thrown LGBTQetc. people under the bus again. This time it's the Department of Health and Human Services and adoption and foster care rights at stake. [Politico]

In possible good news, California is waiting for PG&E to fail so they can take on the business. [CNN]

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Political discussion welcome.

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