Saturday, November 2, 2019

SNL Live Thread 11/2/19: Kristen Stewart/Coldplay

Hello All, Tonight SNL welcomes forever Twilight star Kristen Stewart as its host. I believe this is her second official time as host....having hosted previously in February of 2017 where she more or less came out as a bisexual i believe during the monologue if i remember right. (Right? her monologue had her looking into the camera and pretending to speak directly to Trump because of his tweet to Robert Pattinson that one time and she was like "I know you're watching, cause I know you're a fan of the Twilight series") Anyways she's clearly here tonight to promote the new Charlie's Angels reboot hitting theaters next week--and it could probably use all the help it could get because its gonna be a very crowded marketplace in a very short time. (God Frozen 2 AND the Mister Rodgers movie come out later in the month!)

The musical guest is no stranger to the show either--Coldplay has been the musical guest on the show no less than 5 times in the past! (5!!!) Do musical guests get to be part of the 5 Timers' Club as well? I mean for a musical guest to be booked on the show in the first place---especially these days--means they have to be buzzy--Their first time on the show was waaaay back in April of 2001---I can actually remember watching them on the show that first time as well. They sang "Yellow" According to SNL Wiki--they were also the musical guest in May of '05, October of '08, November of 2011, and May of 2014. I'm 100% sure i probably saw all of those and just have no memory--I mean i would assume they'd been on multiple times, but i didn't realize it'd been that many, (shrugs) STATS!!!

Anyways I hope this is decent, and I hope you guys like it. I think I might end up missing it, I got invited to a party a friend of a friend is throwing, so I might go to that since I didn't go anywhere on Halloween night. So I guess I'm gonna you guys here by yourselves--please enjoy yourselves, I'd say make yourselves at home, you can make a mess if you want, but please remember that i'm gonna have to clean up afterwards so don't make too much of a mess here! Please don't destroy my furniture...or my mom's lawn ornaments. (I'm kidding, we don't have any lawn ornaments)

Oh And Also The SNL Vintage airing tonight is the Melissa McCarthy hosted one from October of 2011 (Right after she became super--super-super famous thanks to Bridesmaids having exploded her to stardom over that summer)

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