Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Politics Corner, October 8th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

Unlike the Presidency, this is a big, old FREE SPACE tonight. Plenty happened and the Presidential tantrum continues. I trust you to bring up the relevant points down in the comments.

One story before I leave it up to you. The United Way is stepping up it's contribution to the effort to get everyone in Milwaukee's tent city into temporary housing before the snow flies. It's not a perfect solution: not everyone will accept temporary housing (which always comes with rules and these are people who don't adapt to rules) and there's no word on what happens when temporary funding runs out. We should be tackling this head on and we should all be responsible, not just donors. But it's a start. [WITI]

That puts my problems in perspective. I'll be taking extra pain meds and melatonin so hopefully I'll sleep through the night. I pushed myself too hard today. I was happy to be back to school and moving better so I didn't object when Profe Pablo taught us to merengue today. I was smart enough not to walk to the AIDS project but I neglected to sit through most of it and filled food pantry orders like a pro. Now I can't move and the pain is back. Hips don't lie. I'll be back tomorrow, have fun tonight.

Political discussion welcome

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