Saturday, October 5, 2019

Politics Corner, October 5th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

Like many large cities across the US, Milwaukee contains a tent city of homeless people. Those people have been told to decamp before the end of the month. Construction is the excuse. The stick is a no camping law (which hasn't been enforced for a couple years - anyone with money could fight it). The carrot is non-existent. There is a reminder of shelters, the same shelters that didn't work out for these people the last time around. Rather than show the people who will be further displaced in time for winter, Channel 3000 chose to show my building and a few others full of people who are in no danger of being homeless. [Channel 3000]

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Trump angry tweets and golfs and the Chicago Tribune, which will not be confused with MSNBC any time soon, barely contains its contempt. [Chicago Tribune]

Time to update the golf count: 221 [Trump Golf Count]

I still can't figure out why anyone would want Giuliani as their lawyer. Does he accept camera time as payment? Ghouliani seems to be under the impression that he can claim lawyer/client privilege. This goes against established law and Supreme Court precedent. That and he confesses everything once the camera is turned on. [Politico]

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Hong Kong Chief Exec Carrie Lam probably still wishes she could quit. She made matters worse once again by dredging up an old mask law that hadn't been used since the return of Hong Kong. [AP]

Protesters in Iraq are facing a much more brutal crackdown. Nearly 100 people are dead. Police are using bullets to put them down. Why are they protesting? Widespread corruption and a dead economy. [BBC]

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses with private health insurance. Trump signed yet another inhumane proclamation aimed at punishing migrants. [Reuters]

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Political discussion welcome.

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