Sunday, October 27, 2019

Politics Corner, October 27th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

We might cheer for the Astros and we might cheer for the Nats but we're all ready to boo the President and chant "Lock him up!" [Sports Illustrated]

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There was one big story today and we pretty much all agree that it was a good one. We took out the head of ISIS which is a big deal by any measure. And Trump still managed to fuck it up. First he tweeted about it long before it happened which could have given ISIS a heads up. Then he informed Russia and Turkey but not Democratic leaders in congress just in case you wondered who he's working for. I rarely pick opinion pieces but since this one takes apart Trump's "victory lap" statement by excruciating statement it counts as news. [CNN]

And what was Trump busy doing yesterday when all this was coming together? Golfing. [Trump Golf Count]

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RIP Rep. John Conyers.  Words fail. I don't remember a time without him. [Reuters]

Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers in Texas this time. [AP]

Ask any black person (or yourself as the case may be) and there will be no surprise that the health care system is rigged for white people. This is terrible news but it's good that it's getting play. [ABC]

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Political discussion welcome.

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