Monday, October 28, 2019

Sportsball, October 28th

I told you that when I had a positive golf story I'd share it. I think I found one. The World Series is much stranger than expected and the clear loser is Donald Trump. But wait, there's more. And puppies!


It was a long climb and there were some unexpected side roads but Tiger Woods has reached the peak of golf. One more PGA Tournament win and he'll be alone at the top. [ABC]

Via Wikipedia

We've got a new college football number one and some unhappy campers. [ESPN]

Via Wikipedia

South Africa dispatched a feisty Wales while England shocked New Zealand to advance to the final of the World Rugby Cup. [ESPN]

Via Pinterest

The Astros are up three games to two over the Nationals so both sides of my family are unhappy. But you know who's unhappier? The President. He showed up late so he wouldn't have to see Jose Andres throw out the first pitch of the fifth game and when the crowd saw that he was there they booed and chanted "Lock him up!" [Sports Illustrated]

Puppy Uppers

Via Giphy

Via Giphy

Via Giphy

Via Giphy

Via Giphy

Via Giphy

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