Monday, September 9, 2019

Politics Corner, September 9th

Today's long read is an in depth look at Jerry Falwell, Jr and Liberty University from Politico. In a nutshell: no one has anything nice to say. [Politico]

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Boris Johnson loses about as well as he wins. Awful all around. He tried again to call a snap election and was refused again as Parliament shuts down. [CNBC]

Trump continues to lie about obvious things. This time it's Scotland. An airport and a golf course kept afloat by US military patronage. [Politico]

The only thing worse than when Trump lies is when we don't know if he's told the Truth. Or worse, has told the truth and told it to Putin. A top spy was removed from Russia after Trump bragged to Putin. [CNN]

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Trump wanted to strand Bahamians attempting to flee their ravaged home. The "wrong" people might get into the US. Yes, he really is that blatant. [NBC News]

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross is catching heat for threatening to fire people who wouldn't lie about Sharpiegate. [The Guardian]

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Michael Flynn, who is still to be sentenced for lying to the Mueller investigation, is asking for more trouble by skipping out on a House Judiciary subpoena. It's been rescheduled and a document dump has been demanded. [CNN]

A new ABC News/Washington Post poll on guns will match most views around here. [ABC News]

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Political discussion welcome.

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