Monday, September 9, 2019

Feed Me: Chefs Eyal Shani, Anya Fernald, Francis Mallmann And Victoria Blamey On 'The Dish'

Via Giphy
After a several weeks hiatus, we're back to checking back in with CBS This Morning's The Dish.

Way back on August 17th, Chef (and MasterChef) Eyal Shani skipped the in-studio visit for a sit down with Dana Jacobson about his dislike of 'concept restaurants' and his journey from Israel to New York.

Jeff Glor Toast Rating: N/A

On August 24th, California Chef Anya Fernald stopped by with bone-in New York steak, green bean salad and bacon, peach tart and Copalli daiquiri. Additional full recipes here.

Jeff Glor Toast Rating: ๐Ÿธ-1/2 Yikes, he backed away from Michelle Miller like he thought she was going to KO him with her glass.

The following week, open fire cooking maestro Francis Mallmann let Jeff Glor observe the makings of an open fire feast that included hanging ribeye in chimichurri sauce, a whole lamb, organic chickens, pineapples, cabbage and more.

Jeff Glor Toast Rating: ๐Ÿท๐Ÿท๐Ÿท๐Ÿท  Holy cow, you would have thought his team scored a touchdown!

September 7th saw Chef Victoria Blamey of the Gotham Bar & Grill visit with burratas, spaghetti with octopus ragu, and a Chilean Pisco Sour.

Jeff Glor Toast Rating: ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿธ Back to mild-mannered Jeff stuck between his co-hosts and not quite sure what to do with his arm or how aggressively to reach out to the visiting chef.

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