Saturday, September 21, 2019

Politics Corner, September 21st

Ignore for a moment the likely treason of the President of the United States and the likely war awaiting us in Saudi Arabia/Iran. There's another disturbing pattern. Something maybe we can't stop but we could do a much better job than we have so far. I could easily be talking about climate change but we're leaving that up to the children.

Two people were killed and eight people were injured in a shooting in Lancaster, SC. "For the fifth week in a row, a shooting has taken place during a high school football game." There's been a rise in threat tips of potential shooters. All we are offered is thoughts and prayers. Our thoughts and prayers have gotten us into this mess. [CNN] [ABC News] [AP]

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Iran is milking the attention from the threat of our crazy President is giving them. [Reuters]

Here's a little treason to brighten your day. [AP]

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Just when you thought the Jeffrey Epstein story couldn't get any worse it seems there's always another floor below. [NBC]

Ben Carson woke up long enough to say some awful things in an official meeting about transgender people. Then he woke up again to admit that he said those awful things but how he said those awful things was "mischaracterized." [Politico]

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"ICE to resume family detentions at Texas facility". [The Hill]

People are butthurt that cheerleaders aren't allowed to campaign for Trump as representatives of the school leading to the cancellation of a football game for the students safety. [ABC]

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Do you remember? The 21st night of September?

Political discussion welcome.

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