Monday, September 16, 2019

Politics Corner, September 16th

Yesterday we were locked and loaded. Who talked to the President today? Plenty more about Trump and beer soaked Justice and some news that isn't news to women.

But before the jump because I need to know this to be able to sleep tonight: someone convinced Trump not to bomb the hell out of Iran. Why is this imperative? Because it really is up to him. The Senate will never stand up to him and the courts are too slow. A military trans ban is based on a Tweet. If Trump orders bombs they will fall. Tonight I am grateful they won't and I pray that no on tells him it wasn't his idea. [Reuters]

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I missed this story for a couple days because I'm not in the habit of reading The Hill. Perhaps I should dig it out of the recycling bin when my neighbor's done with it. When Democrats want to talk to Jeffrey Beauregarde Sessions you know it's for dirt on the President and not because he's a charmer. [The Hill]

There's a mysterious suppressed whistleblower complaint that has to do with national intelligence and may be about Trump. Schiff wants the details. [Business Insider]

In an unrelated search I discovered that Stormy Daniels will be appearing in Milwaukee soon. That's likely more than I can say about Trump's tax returns. Eight years worth of Trump's returns have been subpoenaed in relation to the coverup of Stormy Daniels. I doubt Ms. Daniels will be covered up in Milwaukee. [CNN]

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Delaware US Senator Chris Coons told the FBI about Kavanaugh allegations last year. The FBI never followed up. [Axios]

Sure they're all running for President (but in fairness how many Democrats are not running for President?) but those candidates calling for the impeachment of Justice Kavanaugh have a point. Putting aside the fact that Trump and McConnell would just push through a younger, viler version in an election year, the Kavanaugh hearings were a farce and based on lies and deception. [NBC News]

The reason it's so easy to believe all those stories about Kavanaugh (beside just about every thing he says in public) is because those stories are so common. The sadder thing is that so many women experience even worse (not for one second does that excuse Kavanaugh). [AP]

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Now that we all feel absolutely filthy and need a shower anyway how about a breaking story about pigeon poop? [WBBM-TV]

Those are ducks and not pigeons on Lake Michigan.
Photo mine

Political discussion welcome.

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