Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Politics Corner October 8


photo mine  (beware of  Harlan)

Today in news that you really never wanted to hear but sadly should be common knowledge: Sally Field (You LIKE her you really LIKE her!) had to cross over to Mexico for an illegal abortion which also included bonus molestation. This was all before she was hired to play Gidget. She was just a young scared and now scarred girl. I want everyone to look Sally Field in the face before they vote for Trump. [Fox 8]

via Fox 8

Good news, bad news from the Supremes today. Good first. Say goodbye to ghost guns! Well unless you elect Trump who was the run who set ghost guns wild on the streets of the US in the first place. Vote accordingly. [Slate]

via Slate

Back to the same old same old. Raskin and AOC are asking Roberts to explain himself. Why was Alito initially assigned an opinion that he (and Thomas) should have recused himself from? And then why did Roberts pull the opinion back to himself? These are rudimentary questions. Roberts doesn't care about law so much as power. He does care about image. [MSNBC]


via Guardian

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