Sunday, May 26, 2024

Politics Corner May 26


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

I really didn't want to write any more about this. But it's not going away. I skipped the Hamas missiles into Israel which was probably a mistake because once again Israel had an outsized response and killed civilians (which they claim that they are not doing.) All I  heard about the Hamas missiles was that they set off alarms as far away as Tel Aviv. Israel bombed "safe zones" today. They really need to do something to convince Europe that they are not just slaughtering civilians.

Israel also needs to drop the idea of shoving the surviving Palestinians into Egypt. If they do that the Camp David Accords are history. One of the main reasons that the peace has lasted so long is because the two countries have shared anti-terrorist Intel and operations. Israel is counting on Egypt needing them more but they are discounting that Egypt has as much reason to put down Hamas but have to be more diplomatic about it or their people will revolt. The last thing Israel wants is Egypt controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. Netanyahu does not seem to be able to look one step ahead. The only future that matters to him is keeping his ass out of prison. Feels like home. [Associated Press] [CBS]

via Stars and Stripes

Political Discussion welcome.

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