Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Politics Corner May 14


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

King Charles has let it be known that he has been a dictator since day one and he will have his bloody revenge on modern architecture (and he still wants to be Camilla's tampon but fantasizes about earlier days). [ABC] https://abcnews.go.com/culture/story/king-charles-iiis-1st-portrait-king-draws-mixed/?id=110223790

via ABC

Michael Cohen has been doing a lot of damage to Trump lately. He already served his time so what has he got to lose? [Associated Press] https://apnews.com/article/trump-trial-cohen-hush-money-stormy-daniels-735aadfd1ce015e05ba955c203a96f1b

via Associated Press 

We are still waiting for Bannon to go to prison. I suppose, to be fair,  he must go through life being Steve Bannon which is more than most of us could live with. [CNN] 

via CNN

Giuliani stills owes more money than you'll earn in a lifetime for doing something you would never consider to do to your worst enemy and the judge is getting very impatient with Batboy not even trying to make amends. https://apnews.com/article/rudy-giuliani-bankruptcy-judge-7ee7fa1fa5885e8114060a87b481f7b8

Arizona's 1864 abortion ban has been pushed back until August which will give the legislature to work on it. Whatever you think of abortion it's only rational to accept that women should have a part in the decision. Women (and a whole bunch of other people) could not vote in 1864. Personally I think that it's none of my business now and I've been on the battlelines for choice. Arizona is special to me because it hits close to home - and isn't that always true? I've got nieces and nephews there and all of them - yes, even the boys, are at an age where this could suddenly be a concern. My oldest niece was a difficult pregnancy.  She was very premature. Luckily both of them survived. But there was a line that might have to have been crossed. And I don't want those guys back in 1864 to make that decision. [AZ Central] https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/arizona/2024/05/13/arizona-1864-abortion-ban-not-enforceable-until-mid-august-state-supreme-court-says/73675444007/

Political Discussion welcome.

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