Sunday, May 12, 2024

Politics Corner May 12


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

Israel has lost Egypt. If you're younger than me you might not think this is a big deal. I remember when (underrated) Jimmy Carter got Begin and Sadat to sit down and hammer a peace deal together that has lasted since the seventies. But Netanyahu has pushed the Palestinians up the the Egyptian border and the many, many injured that require care are forced across the border and overcrowding Egyptian hospitals. All of this is against the Camp David Accords. Egypt has been cautious because unlike Netanyahu, Egypt does not want war. Netanyahu has the insane plan of fighting Hamas, Hezbollah, the PA, Iran and Egypt all at the same time. [Al Arabiya]

via Al Aribiya

Kristi Noem is no longer welcome in most of her own state and it's not even because she shot her dog, shot her goat and killed her three horses. [via AP]

via AP

Political Discussion welcome.

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