Thursday, February 29, 2024

Politics Corner February is still goddamn here


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

Today is a day that mostly doesn't exist and yet I have More stories than ever. And there are plenty more that I'm not going to cover. The coincidence of Biden and Trump being at the southern border at the same time caught a lot of bogus attention. But we've got real news from Texas. Some of it is also posturing, some is for real.

What the hell, it's leap day so why not start with wrestling? Ken Paxton is not a very likeable person and was almost impeached by his own party until they chickened out. WWE  doesn't give a shit. [WFAA]

Paxton is still facing fraud charges in addition to the WWE friction and yet he wants to fuck with John Cornyn who hopes to replace the turtle as the Majority leader in the Senate. They have to win the Senate back first and Trump is backing someone else. [Axios]

I'll spare you a picture from that and bring you more Texas news that's closer to home. I remember the 80s when all the crappy big buildings went up. They all came from Dallas. All of them promised to echo history and be quality buildings. They all wound up looking fake in exactly the same way and were mostly empty even before COVID. We're getting another invasion from Texas. This time they are after residential areas, particularly the north side which is majority black. There are reasonable worries that they will be widescale slumlords. [Wisconsin Watch]

typical Milwaukee bungalos
via Wisconsin Watch

via ABC

It's time to stop the charade of prosecuting the prosecutor. [CNN]

via CNN

The one Alabama Supreme who dissented on IVF knew what was going to happen. The other Supremes were deaf to him. []


Russia has been sabre rattling again, this time against Sweden which is waiting for Hungary to finally send their accession to Sweden's acceptance into NATO. Putin did the same with Finland. Sweden was quite happy to remain neutral until Russia invaded Ukraine and betrayed Putin's imperial ambition. [Yahoo!]

via Yahoo!

While we're talking about Trump's favorite dictator and how he wants to fuck everything up, Putin is making it near impossible to have a funeral or even a memorial for Alexei Navalny. It is planned for tomorrow. If it happens, Navalny supporters are concerned that Putin will order a massacre. That's not much of a stretch. [CNN]

via CNN

Your job is covered. Somebody responsible is always on top of things And you have cancer. And perhaps most importantly you are black. Republicans will attack. [CNBC]

via CNBC

Political Discussion welcome.

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