Thursday, February 8, 2024

Politics Corner February 8th


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

Did we talk about anything else but the Supremes today?

It's not like we could really expect much from this packed court.

They could easily have paid attention to the fact that our democracy was almost stolen from us. There's nothing stopping them from saying that Colorado does not have the right to remove Trump from the ballot but WE DO.

They won't do that. They spent today digging for the iffienst ways not call him the traitor that he is. But there are plenty of more trials coming along. With immunity removed those trials can  proceed. It also seems to me that pleading immunity is a really bed step unless you can get it. it's pretty much "I didn't do it but if I did this is how I would have done it." Damnit! now I want a slow motion golf course chase!


Political Discussion welcome.

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