Sunday, February 4, 2024

Politics Corner February 4


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

We'll get to the rest of country but there's a lot of things going on in Wisconsin that will affect you wherever you live in the country or world. Wisconsin is getting close to overturning its gerrymandered election map. What does this mean for you? Why should you care about my state assemblyperson of senator? Right now the Republicans are running scared and trying to tear down as many democratic institutions as they can before they set the capitol on fire before they are forced to leave it.

Fair maps would make it more likely for Wisconsin to send more Dems to Washington. A fairly drawn congressional district one (where I grew up) would be far more likely to send a conservative Dem to DC.

The biggest change would be the relationship between Governor and legislature. The GOP could no longer rely on veto overrides and no more hanky panky with national elections. Trump is set to lose Wisconsin and he's going to lose more votes than he gains between now and then. [Associated Press]

via Associated Press

I said we'd get there but not quite yet. I'll be in the Atlantic Ocean on the next election day. Absentee ballots are not settled yet. I think that Trump will be on our ballot. I could crossover and register a protest vote but there's no point. I live in the heart of the city and whoever wins the Democratic primary might as well be named the winner. There's an abortion referendum on the ballot. If it passes it will be law the next day. The Republicans seem to be determined to lose in November.  I just don't want all the wrecked lives along the way. [Associated Press]

via Associated Press

I promised that we'd get away from Wisconsin but I didn't promise that we'd get away from Trump. I might have promised you a rose garden but Melania butchered it and used the blood to dye the Christmas trees. Anyway chances are good that Trump might stroke out at the Supreme Court. He's allowed to attend the arguments but he will not be allowed to speak. He also may have to witness judges that he appointed to pursue lines of questioning that are bad for him. [USA Today]

hey, Larry Flynt is prettier and he was allowed to speak in court
via USA Today

Ohio's AG Dave Yost has until tomorrow to explain to the Ohio Supremes why a voting right act title was somehow more confusing than a nursing home right act title. Good luck with that. [Associated Press]

you know when you wake up in the morning and you don't feel quite right but you can't put a finger on it and you stumble to the bathroom and see the mirror and you can't stop screaming? this
via Associated Press

Political discussion welcome.

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