Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Politics Corner February 27


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

All that stands between us and a government shutdown that could break the world economy and the end of aid to Ukraine which could allow Russia to rush in and possibly lead to a much wider war in Europe is the Seven Mountains crazy guy that the Republicans elected speaker  of the House. [Associated Press]

self-satisfied smile
via House.gov

Smirmov is back behind bars as a flight risk. My question is why he was let out in the first place. [NBC]

I bet those orange kicks weren't cheap
via MarketWatch

Democrats slightly gerrymandered New York. It's not enough to make up for, say, Georgia. I'd rather no one was gerrymandered but I'm not going to live long enough for that to happen. [CNN]

via CNN

The Tennessee House banned pride flags in classrooms. There are exceptions for certain flags. Not mentioned and apparently up for grabs? Nazi and confederate battle flags. [The Tennessean]

via The Tennessean

Bear with me for a couple Wisconsin stories. The two redistricting experts that the Wisconsin Supremes hired submitted a bill for $128,000 which is far less than former Justice Gableman charged the state when Robin Vos hired him to find a reason to give Wisconsin's electors to Trump. By the time the plug was pulled there was over a million of our dollars in Gableman's pocket. [CBS]

via Wisconsin Examiner (never heard of it but like the picture)

The most hated man in Madison that does not work at the Capital is running against Tammy Baldwin for the US Senate. His opening move? He's tearing down local landmark Silver Dollar Tavern. It's a block off of the Capital. Hovde has been trying to force the sale for decades. He bought up all of the other buildings in the block and threatened to tear everything down for a parking lot. The city council put a stop to that. So he left his buildings empty for decades creating an unsafe area in the heart of Madison. He's the very definition of slumlord. Meanwhile he's got a big ass place in Laguna Beach which is where he apparently lives. He's got connections there but not in Madison.. What he does have is the backing of Mitch McConnell and a lot of money. Find some change in your couch cushions and donate to Sen. Tammy Baldwin. She's one of the good ones and we can't afford another one like him. [Rolling Stone]

via Rolling Stone

Political Discussion welcome.

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