Thursday, February 22, 2024

Politics Corner February 22


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

President Biden's brother James told a Republican impeachment inquiry that in his fifty years of business brother Joe never had any kind of financial interest in any of his businesses. [CBS]

via CBS

Everything that the GOP claims that they have on Joe (or Hunter) Biden all go back to Russia. [Independent]

Nex Benedict, a non-binary Native American high school kid was bullied for more than a year and then died in very suspicious circumstances after a "fight" in the high school girls room. Everyone seems to be covering for everyone else. At the very least, how could the staff not have noticed that the kid who wasn't like the others was being marked out and they did nothing about it? Like I said in the Headlines thread, the whole district should be sued out of existence and absorbed by one that actually cares about their students. [ABC]

via ABC

Biden is getting more aggressive on the campaign trail. He called Vladimir Putin "a crazy SOB" and called out Trump for comparing himself to Alexei Navalny. [NBC]

via NBC

This may not seem like politics but it's entirely about politics. We have an entire economic class of people who are mostly in revolt and the rest of us are mostly not sympathetic at all. This is a situation that will not stand. [Business Insider]

via Business Insider

Political Discussion welcome.

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