Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Politics Corner January 31


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

Texas isn't the only state disagreeing with the Feds. Although this time I agree with Pennsylvania. They're calling out the Supremes for making women second hand citizens with Dobbs and are claiming that's against the Pennsylvania Constitution. I'm pretty sure that the US Constitution takes precedence but it can be argued that Dobbs does not meet US Constitutional standards. [Slate]

via Slate

W might and we might not recognize a Palestinian state if the war ever ends. [Times of Israel]

via Times of Israel

Yeah, we still have to worry about Chinese hackers. Don't tell that to Chinese puppet Donald Trump, he's not listening. [NBC]

via NBC

The Federal Reserve is no longer committed to killing you. But it doesn't really want to help you either. [CNBC]

via CNBC

Political discussion welcome.

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