Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Politics Corner January 30


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

Here's the conservative argument to enforce Article 14 and disqualify Trump's candidacy. This could also have domino effect and disqualify many future GOP hopefuls. [CNN]

via CNN

Is Texas one of the United States? Every day they seem to drift further away. Or more often shove their way against the rule of law. I could talk about how they have twisted abortion law into Gilead. Or there's always their hypocritical border policy. Did you ever wonder how all the mayors and sheriffs along the border have mansions and private airstrips? It's not their salary. But today let's look at how the Texas Supreme Court does business. AG Ken Paxton has been in the hot seat approximately forever now. Whistleblowers have said that he used his office to help his friends. He has even stipulated to that. And he has yet to even give a deposition. He was about to be forced to do so and then Donald Trump stepped in and said leave Paxton alone. Trump is the rule of law in Texas now? That's not what I was taught in school. [Texas Tribune]

via Texas Tribune

Justice Sotomayor has issues. You'll probably recognize them. [CNN]

via CNN

From the Supremes to a different set of Supremes and now we're looking at the ground floor. Wisconsin is one of the states that is struggling with redistricting maps. Republicans have a stranglehold on the legislature and they don't want to let go. Dems have the Governor and the Supremes. Methinks the GOP doth protest too much. Wisconsin is more blue than red but geography makes in impossible to take the majority of the Assembly (House) and just maybe the Senate. The Republicans are just going to have to get used to not have supermajorities and stomping over the majority of the state. [Wisconsin Public Radio]

via Wisconsin Public Radio

Political discussion welcome.

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