Saturday, January 13, 2024

Politics Corner January 13


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

Taiwan defied Chinese intervention and elected someone from the ruling party that encourages more independence. Biden sent the mixed message that we've been sending since Jimmy Carter switched our recognition from Taiwan to China. Trump fumbled it by calling Taiwan directly but then he was angling for Chinese money. Biden brought us back to the status quo by restating the US commitment to One China while also sending an unofficial delegation to Taipei. This is a very fine needle to thread and I dread what could happen if bought-and-paid-for Trump gets back in office. [Reuters]

via Reuters
Mississippi is yet another state that is turning down free federal money to feed poor children over the summer. They don't want to encourage "the welfare state". Keep in mind that this is the same state that diverted welfare money to give Brett "Crocs" Favre money to build a volleyball stadium for his daughter. [Guardian]

via Guardian

"Going Postal" is going to take on a new unfortunate connotation. Thanks to the Supremes and a federal judge in Florida it is now legal to carry guns in US Post Offices. DeJoy likes this. [Reuters]

via ABC

Here's a dive into the various redistricting maps that have been submitted to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Some favor the GOP and some favor Dems. The Wisco Supremes have a liberal majority now but I have a feeling that they will reject these maps on the advice of two outside consultants that they've hired to insure fair maps. Due to geography the Republicans are likely to retain control of the legislature because the Dems are packed into cities and the contiguous requirement basically gives land a vote. But a fair map would remove a Republican supermajority which doesn't remotely represent our population. We might even get a Dem senate depending on which way it's drawn. Each senate district is comprised of three adjacent assembly (House) districts. [Marquette University Law School]

via Marquette University Law School

Political discussion welcome.

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