Friday, November 24, 2023

Politics Corner November 24



Like many of his US counterparts, Federal Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is getting pantsed after trying to score some political points off the automobile collision at the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls on Wednesday.  He's insisting he was just going off FOX News Right Wing Twitter reporting from CTV; the problem is the article he's citing was published almost15 minutes after he tried to GOTCHA Trudeau in the House of Commons.  (CBC)

It turns out the COVID report Alberta paid $2 million for was heavily cribbed from a piece of fiction the committee chair wrote for a right wing think tank, in which he fantasized about the results he would like to see out of an inquiry into Canada's COVID response.  Mission accomplished, I guess. (CBC)

Canada scores a rare trade ruling victory over a US complaint about NAFTA II dairy quotas. (CBC)

Elon Musk is pulling out his hair plugs as more unions in Sweden show solidarity with a mechanics union trying to get legal recognition from Tesla.  (CNN)

Political discussion welcome. 

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