Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Politics Corner November 7 - MARIJUANABORTIONRAMA


via Business Insider

Welcome to special coverage of the 2023 off-off-year US Elections.  Come settle in to discuss election results with your fellow WOTers; we have more than enough spare touchscreen TVs on hand.

Some key storylines for the evening, as America takes a litmus test on its mood heading in to 2024:

All eyes will be on Ohio as the state votes on two socially progressive measures; codifying abortion rights in the state constitution and legalizing recreational marijuana.

In other abortion news, Democrats in Virginia will be looking to further stymie Glenn Youngkin's MAGA agenda by taking back control of the General Assembly.

Only three states are holding gubernatorial elections, and the most interesting race will be to see if Andy Beshear can hold on for a second term in Kentucky.  In yet another bad sign for long-term Republican prospects it looks like the race in Mississippi is going to be a lot closer than anyone was expecting it to be.

Political discussion welcome.


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