Friday, November 17, 2023

Politics Corner November 17


via CBC/Getty Images

Canada's single-use plastic ban was struck down by a federal judge, who said the Government was acting too broadly to classify all plastics as toxic.  "'There is no reasonable apprehension that all listed [plastic manufactured items] are harmful,' Furlanetto wrote."  Tell that to all the sea turtles and birds that die with their bellies full of indigestible plastic waste.  (CBC)

This could have taken a more alarmist tone, but at least its a good overview of the tyranny that awaits America if they decide to let TFG back in the Oval Office, and it made the front page to boot. (CNN)

In other TFG news, another Gag order has been suspended.  You have to wonder if the justice system even cares about what kind of precedent they're setting for the next criminal that decides to emulate Trump's behavior, or if they really believe that former Presidents have their own reserved tier of justice. (The Guardian)

In other bad court opinions,  three SCOTUS judges signaled this week they're ready to redefine the limits of what is and is not acceptable First Amendment speech (CNN)

There's still lots of bad news coming out of Israel, so here is a nice story about a Palestinian father reunited with his children in Vancouver after nearly a decade apart (CBC)

Political discussion welcome.

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