Thursday, November 16, 2023

Politics Corner November 16



In a unanimous decision, the UK Supreme Court struck down a plan to have asylum seekers sent to Rwanda at taxpayer expense to have their claims adjudicated. (The Guardian)  Like all sore losers in control of the levers of power, the Conservatives seem dead-set on soldiering on and doing it anyway (CNN).  Unilaterally declaring Rwanda a safe haven seems par for the course for a government that stripped enemy combatants of their UK citizenship as quickly as possible after confirming they had dual citizenship in another country to avoid the headache of trying to repatriate them.

A school board in Texas had to reverse themselves after parents and kids protested a high school musical casting requirement around gender assigned at birth.  (CBC) The school board really tripped over their dicks trying to gaslight this by claiming Oklahoma! was not age-appropriate for high-schoolers and trying to force the school to mount a production of a heavily censored version of the musical intended for younger audiences.

Ten years ago it was adoring mobs accosting Justin Trudeau in public (CBC)

Political discussion welcome.

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