Friday, September 8, 2023

Politics Corner September 8th


photo mine (from Bulgaria)

What's wrong with Wisconsin? It's not the voters. But democracy might be over. [Vox]

via Bulwark

Yup, Trump ain't the rich guy that he plays on TV. [Guardian]

Florida is once again in the race to the bottom. A majority DeSantis appointed Supreme Court is about to effectively ban all abortion in Florida. [Guardian]

Just about anyone who knows me in real life would know that I have a long history of political protest, including the occasional civil disobedience. Some people need a refresher course on what civil disobedience actually is. Toppling a statue of a hated dictator or a despicable Confederate traitor? Sure. Defacing paintings that have nothing to do with the protest? Nope. Like I pointed out yesterday, throwing paint on someone else's fur? Sure, as long as you're willing to face the consequences. Gluing your shoes to the field during the US Open? What the hell is your point? US Open bad? Coco Gauff bad? It's destruction for destruction's sake.

Of course I blame the education system. We should be teaching children civil disobedience but instead we teach them obedience. They need that too but they also need Thoreau, Gandhi and MLK. [Associated Press]

Political discussion welcome.

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