Thursday, September 14, 2023

Politics Corner September 14th


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

A stay has been issued on a decision by lower courts that restricts the executive branch from talking to social media about moderating their content. If reinstated, that would rend the executive branch fairly powerless to remove hate speech and dangerous misinformation along with doxxing and god knows what all else from the web. The surprise is that the temporary stay was placed by Alito. We'll see how he decides when this case comes back around. If they think that it only effects the other two branches then the court may let it stand. But I don't remember the Supreme Court ever limiting their own powers. [NBC]

via NBC

REPUBLICANS IN DISARRAY! was not the lede on any newspaper or cable show. But why would they push that story when they can remind you that Joe Biden has aged like a fine wine. [ABC]

the best red wine in the world is from here - I was too young when I did a family stay
via Dauphine Libre

There was another federal court decision against DACA although the judge did not go so far as to deport people to countries that they've never known. While he made clear that the executive did not have power to put this is in place, he placed the main blame on the legislature for not passing a law to covet this. [Associated Press]

via Associated Press

Political discussion welcome

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