Thursday, August 3, 2023

Politics Corner August 3rd


photo mine (from Bulgaria)

Trump can't say his name or his age at his indictment but Joe Biden has a stammer! And the only place that I've seen coverage of this is British paper the Independent. Anyone else grooving on the fact that this is taking place at the Prettyman courthouse? As if.  [Independent]

via Independent

DeSantis wants to make sure that if your kid wants a psychology degree then you're going to have to pay an extra year for it. This may drive you to therapy but at least you won't have to go far. [Rolling Stone]

via Rolling Stone

Inmates on death row in Louisiana have banded together to beg for clemency before Bel Edwards leaves office. Shenanigans ensued. Of course the history is darker than should be tolerated anywhere. [Guardian]

via Guardian

Political discussion welcome.

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