Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Politics Corner August 2nd


photo mine (from Bulgaria)

The US debt has been downgraded again, this time by Fitch. Most of the blame goes to the Republicans continually toying with the debt ceiling. You see that on Fox News. I'm sure the Federal Reserve Board attempting to enforce a recession on us had something to do with it. [Guardian]

via Guardian

Lies. (you know who I'm talking about) {CNN}

In Oklahoma, parents, religious leaders and a teachers organizations are suing to prevent a public religious school. [Associated Press]

via Associated Press

Methinks the lady (and I use that term very loosely) doth protest too much. After the conservative majority virtually destroyed democracy in Wisconsin, she's got a problem with the new majority of liberals taking a small step of restoration.

via Associated Press

"Try That in a Small Town" was about to disappear. It debuted low and sank from there. Then they made the video. Everything about that was intentional. [Hollywood Reporter]

Hell if I'm going to give him a picture.

Political discussion welcome.

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