Thursday, August 3, 2023

Has Anybody Seen My Gal? and Other Thursday Headlines


Via Wiffle Gif.

"I want to claim my tits." (Wonkette)

Belgium on Lake Superior (Wonkette)

Courtesy Vulture.

Here's Lindsay Lohan's postpartum body. (Page Six)

Translated, "The victim schtick ain't workin', so it's time to gradually make nice again." (People)

Courtesy IMDB.

Via Reddit.

Another movie that's on the to-see list ... (The Film Experience)

Belated RIP to Pamela "Tits! When am I gonna grow tits?!" Blair. And best wishes to the cast and crew of Back to the Future, opening tonight on Broadway.

"We were looking for a savior." (Awful Announcing)

PET SET: Cambria and Cozy
Courtesy YouTube.

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