Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Politics Corner August 15th


photo mine (from Bulgaria)

I know what you are going to be talking about and I'll be joining you if I'm around later. But I've got a couple of stories below the fold that are probably going to get lost in the carnival.

via ABC

College loan forgiveness is moving forward again. It seems a bit more limited this time around so check the details. I didn't have much debt to begin with so I mostly ignored it during the pandemic hold. I figured it was better sitting in my account than theirs. But I've always kept more than enough to pay whatever came due. I've been searching FAFSA (that's where you need to look and where I looked to get my loans in the first place). FAFSA recognizes me but comes up with no outstanding loans. I have no idea if I've already been forgiven, forgotten, or if I paid back more than I thought that I did. [CBS]

via ABC

Aren't you all lucky? We've got two stories from the Department of Education today. I know there will be a mixed reaction to the last story but I would hope that we all know that this one is bad news. (Baptist) Baylor University has been declared exempt from LGBTQetc. harassment claims. We just lost about 30-40 years of rights there. [Texas Tribune]

via Texas Tribune

Remember Ronny Jackson who "signed" the medical opinion that Donald Trump was in perfect health? He's been attempting to practice medicine again. Violently. When told to go away by Texas State Troopers. He has a very colorful, if limited, vocabulary. He represents Amarillo in the US House now. I'm sure they're proud. [Texas Tribune]

via NPR

Political discussion welcome.

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