Sunday, August 13, 2023

Politics Corner August 13th


photo mine (from Bulgaria)

Didn't your mother ever tell you that your texts will come back to haunt you? [CNN]

via CNN

Ted Cruz got what he asked for and he's angrier about that then we are. [Rolling Stone]

via Rolling Stone

Does the establishment clause of the first amendment even exist anymore? [Vox]

via Vox

Changes are happening on the Wisconsin Supreme Court with the new liberal majority and the conservatives who have run roughshod over the state for more than a decade are furious. It doesn't seem to occur to them that what the liberal wing is doing is pro-democracy. I'm waiting for the explosions from the right when the court throws gerrymandered maps to the curb, decides that a law from the 1840s (written and passed by men) should not pertain to women's right to control their own bodies. [Wisconsin State Journal]

via Wisconsin State Journal

Political discussion welcome.

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