Thursday, July 6, 2023

Politics Corner July 6th


photo mine

Politics Corner is suffering from birthday overdose. Milwaukee celebrates the 4th on the 3rd and the 4th and we had a whole weekend before that. I think I spent all day yesterday recovering and tonight I'm going to an old school German restaurant for our craziest friend's dinner and today was my mom's birthday so while I call her on Mother's Day, I celebrate in July. Tomorrow? We're back to The Weeknd. I'm hoping for a day to lie low because Saturday we start all over again with a fashion show from Michael Calloway. The last time I saw him was a trunk show and he had a denim jacket for me and a large coat for my partner. I don't know if there's anything specifically designed for us this time but I always find something that I want.

photo and coat mine

Political discussion welcome.

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