Saturday, July 22, 2023

Politics Corner July 22nd


photo mine

One of the good things that the US Supreme Court did before they blew up everyone's rights at the end of the session was to order that Alabama legislature to redraw their congressional districts to reflect that almost a 1/3 of Alabamans are black. The (majority white of course) redrew the map, shifting the population slightly but maintaining only one majority black district in direct opposition to the Supreme Court ruling. It may be up to a federal court to impose a new map. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to mostly dump the Voting Rights Act. [Associated Press]

via Associated Press

Once Vanity Fair makes fun of you, your political career should be over. And with Fulton County preparing racketeering charges against Trump it's looking more and more likely. Capone went down for less. [Vanity Fair] [Guardian]

via Tenor

Today in well duh: Jack Smith's people have talked to Georgia Governor Brian Kemp. Either he's willing to perjure himself or he's sending Trump to prison. [CNN]


No surprise, Senate Democrats want the US Supreme Court to have a code of ethics and Senate Republicans want their judges to be bribed. [C-Span}

via Las Vegas Review-Journal

Political discussion welcome. 

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