Friday, July 21, 2023

Politics Corner July 21st


photo mine

The Department of Justice is keeping busy. There's some Trump business after the jump, but the big story today is that they are suing the State of Texas. First they put razor wire on the shore of the Rio Grande. Then Abbot told his people to throw migrants, including children, into the water. Now they've built a floating barricade in the middle of the river and that violates at least two treaties between the US and Mexico. That would be bad enough but the barrier is interrupting business and trade. We don't put up with that in the US. [Houston Chronicle]

via Houston Chronicle

The Conservative Justices on the US Supreme Court allowed Alabama to go forward with an execution of a man who sued on the basis of cruel and unusual punishment. He had a strong case. The three previous executions in Alabama were all botched. Needless to say the three Liberal Justices are pissed off.

via NBC

Jack Smith's third charge seems to be a direct allegation that Trump interfered with the right to vote. The theory is that demanding votes from Georgia and false Electors from where he did was an attempt to disenfranchise black voters and by extension all those who voted for Biden. The threshold of proof is more attainable. [MSNBC]

via Daily Beast

Today in well duh: Hunter Biden's lawyer has filed an ethics charge against Magenta Tangerine Grape. Fuck around with dick pics and find out.[Daily Beast]

via Organic Fact

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